Bring the fun of bowling to people of all ages in the community.

This new style bowling alley is made up of three zones: a bowling alley, a restaurant, and a party room. By using each adjacent zone at the same time, you can enjoy new and flexible ways of using the alley, such as "bowling while eating," "eating after enjoying bowling," or even "bowling as a party activity." Here, we provide a place where three or four generations, from children to the elderly, can have fun together.

  In addition, groups can use the bowling alley as a party and event space, offering a place to enjoy special time with friends.


  • 最新のスケルトンマスキングを導入!
  • おしゃれな照明設備でワクワク感を演出!
  • ハイグレードな内装インテリア
  • 豊富なオリジナルメニューラインナップ
  • 様々なパーティプランに対応
  • メニューがレーンから直接オーダーOK!