Liven up your company with bowling!

For those in charge of employee benefits and recreation Good news for presidents, department heads, and event organizers! Bowling will make your company bright and lively. It will improve communication within the company! Bowling is the best community sport. Everyone can enjoy the game in a friendly atmosphere! Bowling can be enjoyed by people who are too busy to participate in company events. Leave all the operation to the center. Therefore, event organizers can also enjoy the game. It is also possible to set handicaps according to ability, team matches, individual matches, etc. Ranking tables can also be printed out immediately. We will propose various plans within the range of employee benefit expenses according to your budget. For more details, please see here


  • 男⼥・年齢に関係なく誰でも楽しめます
  • お喋りしながら楽しくコミュニケーション
  • 季節や天候を心配する必要もありません
  • 社員の健康とリフレッシュにも最適

Reserved time rental * Unlimited throwing during the time

■ Monday to Thursday (1 hour)
■ Monday to Thursday (Every additional 30 minutes)
■Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and the day before a holiday (1 hour)
■Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and days before holidays (additional 30 minutes each)

* Rental shoes are 450 yen per pair. * Those with a disability certificate can rent shoes for free by reservation.